Hey everyone, :)
My new website is finally launched!! I worked like crazy these past few days to finish it. It is still not completely finished though. I need to fix a few typo's and do some minor copy editing. I also still have to build the News page.
I added a lot more content to this new site including a few new paintings and resources. I hope you all like it!
Please take a look and sign my guest book if you like :)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Here is one of my latest works–in–progress titled, “The Curse.” This painting may appear finished to some, but there is still quite a bit of work that I want to put into this piece.
The story that I have in mind for her is that she was once a beautiful young woman who had everything but lost it all when a curse was placed upon her from a jealous rival. She is now doomed to live out her days as a cave/swamp dwelling creature. She sits alone waiting in hope for the day that her nightmare will end.
I’m currently working on a full story for this image that will be available in an art book I’m currently working on. Along with featuring full pages of my best artwork and many new paintings, the book will also include a few painting walk-throughs. I plan on adding a few other stories with images as well.
For those interesting in my art book project, I would like to hear your feedback. Feel free to Contact Me and share with me your ideas/requests regarding what you would like to see or read in the book.
Aside from my art book project, I am still trying to finish up my new website. It has been a slow process due to all of the things I have going on right now, like my other projects/paintings, commissions, life, etc. I wanted to launch the new site this month, but it may not be ready until January.
Will provide more updates soon.
Thanks for stopping by :)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Hey everyone! :)
Here is a simple, quick fan-art painting I did today that I thought I'd post here. I worked about 4 hours on it so far and am pretty happy with it. I got really inspired to paint it after watching a movie trailer for an upcoming movie (which I'm highly anticipating) titled "Black Swan" directed by one of my favorite directors Darren Aronofsky. The movie also stars Natalie Portman who also happens to be one of my favorite actors as well.
Here is a link to the movie trailer for anyone who is interested: "Black Swan" movie Trailer
Updated 7/17/11: I worked on the tutu just a bit.
Thanks for visiting! :)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
EXOTIQUE 6 is available to pre-order! Two of my paintings are included in this edition and I'm honored to have my work featured alongside all of these other wonderful artists! :)
This book features a gorgeous collection of the worlds most beautiful CG character art.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Hey everyone, :)
Up really late tonight and Just finished this painting which I started about a day ago. I really got inspired to paint it after doing some zombie makeup which I had a lot of fun with. I love Halloween!! :)
It was nice painting something dark for a change since this other painting I have been working on lately (and pretty much most of my work) is very light. I wanted to paint an image that was both sexy and horrifying, (hope I pulled it off).
Overall I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out - I need to paint more dark images, I really enjoyed painting this one!
I hope to have my new website up soon as well. Took a bit longer than expected since I'm now converting it to Wordpress. I've also been working on another new painting which I want to add to the gallery. I hope to have it up in a week or two.
Prints are available HERE
Have a wonderful Halloween everyone and thanks for your visit!! :)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Hey everyone! :)
I'm happy to announce that my work titled "Light Blue" is showcased in a new bookazine titled "The Complete Guide to Digital Painting vol 3" by Imagine publishing.
I just recieved my copy today and am very happy with the way it printed though this photo of it that I took isn't that great.
The book has loads of helpful tutorials and resources for artists.
You can purchase the book HERE check it out :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Hey everyone, :)
I now have a new 2011 calendar available on my zazzle store for anyone who is interested. It features high -res close-ups of some of my best work as well as a new painting not yet posted in any of my galleries.
Thanks for your visit! :)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Hey everyone, :)
Here is an image that I'm currently working on that I started last week. It's still very rough and needs a whole lot of work. So far though, the process is flowing for me and I am happy with the way it's coming along. I want this image to be very sexy, warm and romantic (and yes I am going for a bit of a romance novel cover style) ;).
I may make a lot of changes to it like the clothing for example. I want to look at some reference material for the type of clothing that I want to create for them.
Aside from working on this new painting I had also recently re-designed my blog yet again to resemble my Zazzle store's look a bit. I was never completely happy with my old blog design and am now pretty satisfied with it. Now, time to finish my new website! :)
Thanks for your visit! :)
Monday, August 9, 2010
I recently re-designed and coded my zazzle shop. I'ts just about finished now, I may or may not add more to it. Overall I am very happy with the way it turned out though I think now my zazzle store looks much better than both my website and blog. I guess it's time to work on my web and blog designs again. I want to completely re-do both now.
Thanks for your visit :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Hey everyone, :)
Aside from re-designing my blog a bit I also have a new redbubble print shop which you can check out here.
I am also happy to have found out that my most recent painting titled "Akanksha" was chosen as one of the weekly selections on CG gallery and also as a standout on digitalart.org.
Here are links to the two sites.
CG gallery
Thanks for your visit :)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Hey everyone,
Finally I have finished this one, it took a while to finish since I have been also working on another painting as well.
I got inspired to paint this image after looking at many beautiful images of clothing designs from India. The patterns and jewelry took a lot of time but I enjoyed painting them. My own story for this image is that she is a young bride to be who is trapped in an arranged marriage and secretly desires another life. Her name is Akanksha which means desire.
Painted mostly in Photoshop with some extra work done in Painter.Here is a close-up as well.
Thanks for your visit :)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Hey everyone,
Today I decided to paint a bit in oils so I painted a section of hills from the view of my balcony. The focal point of this image as you can see is that strange little building on the hill in the background. I decided to paint it since I find it so fascinating, It's one of the most interesting structures on these hills. This building is an old government radar site that had been abandoned. I wish I could go check it out but it's highly contaminated and not open to the public. I recently found this youtube video about the building which is pretty interesting. Here is a link if interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kieSuWnhiu8
Thanks for visiting, :)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hey everyone, :)
Currently I have quite a few works-in-progress that I work into on and off during my free time and I thought I'd post this one up here on my blog.
I actually started it quite a while ago and plan to work on it again soon. So far I think that this is the prettiest face that I have ever painted (will provide close-ups once it's done!). I'm still developing a story for her as the image evolves, there is still a whole lot of work to do but I'm happy with the way it's coming along. :)I also recently created a new promotional page for my artwork on Facebook. If you like my art please take a look and become a fan if you like :)
Here is a link: My Facebook page
Thanks for visiting :)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Hey everyone, :)
I took some time this Sunday to paint a portrait of my Grandfather and thought I would post it up here on my blog. I may or may not include it in the digital gallery section of my website since it's so different from all of my other digital work. In the future I may add categories for my digital gallery.
I was thinking about my grandfather a lot this weekend while packing boxes (I'm currently in the process of moving) and had to paint this portrait. I looked at an old photo of him that I love for reference. He was a wonderful grandfather and person. He told the best stories from his past and he lived an incredible life. I miss him so much.
Thanks for visiting :)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Hey everyone, :)
I recently found out that my most recent painting titled "Rose" was chosen as the daily selection on CG gallery and also as a standout on digitalart.org.
This really brightened my day. It means so much to me to get such great feedback on my work especially from other artists. I'm mostly happy that others enjoy my work because I really enjoy creating it. :)
Here are links to the two sites
CG gallery
Update: My work was also recently chosen as one of the weekly selections on CG gallery as well! :)
Thanks for visiting :)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Hey everyone, :)
I thought I'd post a work-in-progress here that I started.
I took a little free time today to paint a practice portrait trying out a new Photoshop brush that I created.
I'm happy with the way it's coming along so far though it still needs a lot of work. I may finish it later in the week.
Thanks for visiting :)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Hey everyone,
I just recently finished two new images which I also posted on my website. The image on the right is titled "Exotic Butterfly" and the one on the left is titled "The Artist"
For Exotic Butterfly I wanted to paint an exotic female figure as opposed to the typical pale wafe like figures which are common in many paintings of fairies. She is not a fairy actually she is a rare butterfly that can only be seen in this secrete place. I really had a lot of fun painting all of those little budgies in the background as well as the Macaw. They are some of my favorite birds, I love them so much :)
For The Artist image I wanted to paint my own interpretation of an Artist. A being that can create their own universe. I actually want to leave this one open to different interpretation though.
Here is a close-up from Exotic Butterfly.
I hope you like these images and thanks for visiting.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Great news!! :)
My most recent work "Light Blue" was chosen as the daily selection on CG Gallery. It was also chosen as a standout image on digitalart.org. This brightened my day.
Here are links to both of the sites
Also if you have an account on its' art CG gallery and you like my work please vote for my art. :)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Hey everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful New Years!!
Here is my latest finished work that I painted during my free time on New Years. It started off as a simple lighting and color study which turned into a finished painting. I really wanted to push the realism with this one. I really loved these colors as well since I have been working with a lot of pinks, yellows and oranges lately in my previous work. It was refreshing to work with these cool blues and violets.
Painted using Photoshop and Painter.
Here is a little close-up as well.
Thanks for visiting :)