Wednesday, January 28, 2015

12:35 AM

Elle Fowler and Pinecone inspired portrait and time-lapse video!

Hey everyone, This portrait is inspired by a YouTuber that I have been subscribed to for a few years now. She is a beauty guru who films makeup tutorials along with product and fashion hauls. Since I have an obsession with makeup and enjoy watching makeup videos on YouTube, naturally I enjoy watching her makeup tutorials most of all though unfortunately she hasn't made many for a while.

Here is a link to Elle's YouTube channel

Recently I discovered that she had badly injured her back and I was sad to hear the news. I can only imagine how horrible it must be to be confined to your home for so long to heal from something like that. I hope that she makes a full recovery from this and that she is finding some happiness in her current situation. I thought I'd create this portrait for her and record my painting process as well for those interested because not only does she have a beautiful face to paint but I thought perhaps if she saw this that it would cheer her up and perhaps she'd like it.

I always enjoy when she features Pinecone in her videos! He was fun to paint because he's so adorable and I haven't painted many animals before, but I do plan to in the future.

I looked at a few images and video stills of her for reference to study her bone structure, but this image was not copied from any other content.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy it and thanks for your visit!


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