Friday, October 26, 2012

12:18 AM

New Painting for Halloween!

Just finished this little painting for Halloween which is just a few days away! :D Wanted to take a break from the light paintings and paint something really dark for a change which was fun.

This year I thought I'd paint a vampire inspired a little from Countess Báthory with her lust for blood. I am fascinated with the concept and wanted to create a character that was very different but similar in that aspect and a lot darker. Though this character is not supposed to be Countess Báthory, I may consider painting her in the future since I do find her fascinating.

Painted using Photoshop and Painter.

Thanks for taking a look and have a wonderful Halloween everyone!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10:38 PM

New 2013 Calendar!

A new 2013 calendar is now available in my Zazzle Shop which features some of my best artwork.

I'd also like to mention that this may be one of my last posts here since I plan on moving my blog to my WordPress website soon. It just makes more sense to have it there, especially since I have little time to manage both my website and this blogger blog. I will still be posting all of my updates and work in progresses etc. they will just be posted on my websites news page in the future instead.

Take care and thanks for your visit!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10:38 PM

New work in progress for Halloween!

Update: This one is now finished! You can check it out here:

Currently I'm working on a new painting for Halloween and thought I'd post this little preview here. It's just about finished now and I'm pretty happy with the way it's coming along - it's really nice to paint something dark for a change!

Painted using Photoshop and Painter, around 8 hours of work so far.

Thanks for taking a look!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

11:59 PM

New work-in-progress for my art book project!

Update: This painting is now finished! You can check it out on my website Here:

I've been working on some artwork for my art book project and thought I'd post this work-in-progress. I'm currently working on a story for this image as well which is also for the book.

For this work I wanted to create my own unique and beautiful humanoid sea creature. Ballet dancers are a huge inspiration for this work as well as the story as I absolutely love Ballet and am also quite fascinated by deep sea creatures, especially jellyfish. They are so mystical, dangerous, scary and yet so beautiful and delicate the way they move through the water with there flowing silk-like forms. They almost seem to dance through the water and thus I wanted to combine the two to create this painting.

So far I'm quite happy with the way it's coming along and it's been really enjoyable for me. Still quite a lot of details to add though.

This work is titled, "Sea Dancer"

Thanks for your visit, :)


Friday, August 10, 2012

9:07 PM

Display in KALEID gallery, San Jose, CA

Hey everyone,

For those of you who live in the Bay Area, California near San Jose, you can now come check out my artwork wall in KALEID Gallery.  It's been a real pleasure to be part of this gallery and I've received quite positive feedback from the public as well.

Please stop by and if interested, prints are available to purchase in a few different sizes - prices are currently very reasonable! :) Also this gallery is very fun and unique with a diverse array of artwork, artistic styles, expression and mediums, etc.

In other news I'm also working on a new website design as well and finishing up some new artwork. 

Thanks for your visit :D

Monday, July 9, 2012

10:57 PM

New finished painting titled "In Full Bloom"

Hey Everyone!

Just finished this new painting and thought I'd post it here. I will be uploading it to my website soon as well. Took my time with this one - I actually started it a while back and couldn't finish it sooner due to life and other projects/distractions etc. I currently have quite a few works-in-progress that are almost finished though and hope to upload more paintings soon!

Painted using Photoshop and Corel Painter.

Thanks for your visit! :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

3:21 AM

New finished painting titled "The Sakura Garden"!

Hey everyone!

Just finished this new painting and uploaded it to my website gallery as well. I've been working on this one on and off for quite a while (along with a few other paintings too) - it was quite an epic piece. I could have worked into the details forever but at this point I decided to stop since I am now pretty satisfied with the result.

I definitely learned a lot with this one and had a lot of fun painting it. I especially enjoyed designing her Kimono! The flowers in the design represent different traits of her personality and character.

Here are some close-ups

I hope you all like it and thanks for your visit! :D

Friday, May 25, 2012

9:56 PM

Snow White (work-in-progress)

Hey everyone :)

Here is another small painting that I started recently of Snow White (my own version). It's still a work-in-progress and needs quite a bit more work but overall I'm pleased with the way it's coming along.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie "Snow White and the Huntsman." Charlize Theron is absolutely gorgeous in this film and I'm really looking forward to seeing her performance as the queen.

I hope to finish this image soon but I have so many works-in-progress waiting to be finished. I plan on uploading some new work to my website soon and I'm also still working on content for my art book project.

Thanks for your visit! :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

5:24 PM

New Game of Thrones: Daenerys Targaryen Inspired speed-painting!

Hey everyone, :)

I'm a huge fan of the HBO series "Game of Thrones" and one of my favorite characters on the show is Daenerys so I got inspired to create a quick portrait based on her and thought I'd record my progress. I looked at a few different images of her for reference but did not directly copy any content. I would also like to note that I was not aiming to achieve a perfect likeness with this work, it is merely and inspired portrait.

Painted mostly in Adobe Photoshop with some additional work done in Corel Painter.

Thanks for watching and enjoy! :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

2:29 AM

One of my paintings is featured in the latest issue of BLP magazine :)

Hey everyone!

One of my works is published in the latest issue of Black Lantern Publishing's magazine. A Macabre Journal of Literature and Art. Check it out here! :D

You can purchase this issue in print or digital form as well as other back issues here

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